Sunday 19 January 2014


 He is one of the greatest predictor where earth is ever produced..Some of his predictions were really surprised us and points our thoughts towards him..Thus the personality is 


His real name is "Michel De Nostredame" he was a french apothecary (who prepares medicines.., or druggist)..He simply called as "Nostradamus"..He describes his predictions by using four lines poems..Some of  his famous predictions are given below...:


         La Liberte ne Sera recouvree

         L'occupera noirfiervilain inique

        Quand la natiere du pont sera ouvree

        D'Hister, Venise faschee la republique 


       Freedom shall not be recovered

       They will be occupied by a dark  ,fierce,iniquitous villain

       When the edicts of the pontiff will be overruled 

       By Hitler and the kingdom of Italy is a fascist republic


          Nostradamus describes two names "Hitler" and "Ister"Where Ister was the Latin name for Danube River where Adolph Hitler was born and raised..In that place Hitler and Mussolini were discussed about the Italy's future..


   Apres des portes & dedans deux cites

  Seront deux fleaux & oncques n'appercea untel

  Faim dedans peste de fer hors gens boutes

  Crier Secours au grand Dieu immortel


     Near the harbors and within two cities

     There will be two catastrophes and the like of which never seen

    Intense in torment by a bomb human lives are anded

    Cries for help from the great God immortal.


       Here he describes about the atomic attack in two famous cities of japan at the end of WORLD WAR 2 the cities were "Hiroshima" and "Nagasaki" in year the 1945.


    Un Empereur naistapres d'ltalie

    Qui, al'Empire Sera vendu bien cher

    Diront avec quelz gens ilse ralie

    Qu'on trouvera moins prince que boucher


     Am emperor will be born near Italy

     Who shall cost the empire very dearly

     It will be said by those who all about him

    That he will prove less prince than butcher


     Here he said about one of the greatest emperor where nature produced ("NAPOLEON BUONPARTE")..He was a french military and political leader who rose to prominence during the latter stages of the "French Revolution"and its associated wars in Europe.. 


Saturday 18 January 2014

                                    END OF MARS

Nearly all the planets in our solar system having their own magnetic field to protect them from harmful radiation and heat produced by the Sun..

NOTE : Generally all planets having their own magnetic field but except "VENUS" and "MARS"....

                         WORK OF MAGNETIC FIELD

   The work magnetic field is to deflect the strong particles and harmful radiation produced by the Sun..The field contains many racks of magnetic lines..Let it has two pole points they are North magnetic pole and south magnetic pole..Both the poles does the same work..(deflects unwanted particles and observed required source)..

                          RIVER BEDS AND VOLCANO

At present scenario scientist believes that MARS has the conditions what our earth is having now (Example : deep sea's..,huge peaks..)..The best clue for that is "PHOENIX" spacecraft..Which gives us many views of MARS..Recent years it sends many collection pictures in that we can see dry riverbeds as our earth having..


pic of mars
pic of mars

                            Thus it clearly shows that MARS has the condition what our earth is having now..So there will be more chance for the existence of life in MARS..

Now the question is how it gets dried...?And what happen to the lifes....?

Practical answer is : SUN

       Yes, Sun makes the MARS life less..The "SOLAR STORM" vanishes the MARS atmosphere..It decreases for each solar storm attack then in particular period it totally destroys the MARS atmosphere..The solar storm sometimes called as "SOLAR FLARE"..The solar flare are the massive burst of solar wind.."CORONAL MASS EJECTION"(CME) a large explosion in the solar atmosphere which takes away many lifes in MARS..


    NOTE: Many scientist makes a note that our Earth's magnetic field gets weaker who knows in next thousands years our solar system will get an another "Red Planet"...


Friday 17 January 2014

                       MARK OF LIFE IN EARTH

          Above 5 billion years ago our earth is occupied by giant rocks and endless sea water with the combination of chemicals and organic compounds..our ancient landscapes has same boundaries called as "PANGEA"..Where all the continents are grouped together..

          4.5 Billion years ago :We know that the ocean were full of organic compounds when lighting strikes the sea process takes place..The compounds get combined with other related compounds to form a complete chain..Which is similar to "electrolysis" process..Thus reaction takes place all over the sea..There life begins in the form of singled cell object called "Cyanobacteria"...Hence bacteria's are the first to occupied our earth.

    ROLE OF CYANOBACTERIA(4 billion years ago): The major work done by cyano is "PHOTOSYNTHESIS"..It takes the energy from the Sun and converts the carbon dioxide (co2) to oxygen (o)..Thus it is birth of oxygen in earth..The process is done by millions and millions of cyano's under sea..Thus oxygen spread all over to the atmosphere from the sea..

          CONCLUSION : Hence the first thing in earth were bacteria's which involving to produce oxygen for us..after years passes plants replace cyano's to do that..



Thursday 9 January 2014


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Pre-Launch Updates

Nov 05, 2013
  • PSLV-C25, in its twenty fifth flight successfully launches Mars Orbiter Mission Spacecraft from SDSC SHAR.
  • PSLV-C25 lifted off at 14:38 hrs.
  • Automatic sequencing of launch initiated.
  • Launch authorised by Mission Director for GO at 14:24 hrs.
  • Mobile Service Tower (MST) withdrawal to final parking (150m) completed. Countdown is normal.
  • All vehicle systems are switched ON for the final eight and half hour countdown starting at 6:08 hrs (IST).
  • Second Stage (PS2) Propellant filling operations completed.
Nov 04, 2013
  • Second Stage (PS2) Propellant filling commenced.
  • Mobile Service Tower (MST) withdrawal upto 50m is completed.
  • Mandatory Checks and Preparations for Propellant filling operations of Second Stage (PS2) are in progress.
Nov 03, 2013
  • Propellant filling of PS4 stage and RCT completed.
  • Mixed Oxides of Nitrogen (MON) filling of PS4 completed at 17:00 hrs (IST).
  • Mixed Oxides of Nitrogen (MON) filling of PS4 under progress.
  • Mono Methyl Hydrazine (MMH) filling of Reaction Control Thrusters (RCT) completed.
  • Mono Methyl Hydrazine (MMH) filling completed.
  • Propellant filling operations of Fourth Stage (PS4) are in progress.
  • The 56 hr 30 min countdown of Mission commenced at 06:08 hrs (IST).
Nov 02, 2013
  • All the pre-countdown activities have been completed satisfactorily and the 56 and half hr countdown of Mission will commence tomorrow at 06:08 hrs (IST).
  • Pre-count down activities of Mission commenced at 08:45 hrs.
Nov 01, 2013
  • Launch Authorisation Board has approved & cleared the PSLV-C25/Mars Orbiter Mission launch on Nov 05, 2013 at 14:38 hrs (IST)
  • 56 and half hr countdown for launch will begin on Nov 03, 2013 at 06:08 hrs (IST)
Oct 31, 2013
  • Launch Rehearsal of PSLV-C25/Mars Orbiter Mission has been completed successfully in the afternoon on Oct 31, 2013.
  • Launch Rehearsal of PSLV-C25/Mars Orbiter Mission commenced at 06:08 hrs (IST) on Oct 31, 2013 at First Launch Pad, SDSC SHAR.
  • Vehicle systems powered and health is normal.
Oct 30, 2013
  • Spacecraft & Launch Vehicle integrated level checks completed.
  • Preparations for Launch Rehearsal are under progress.
Oct 22, 2013
  • Spacecraft Integration with the Launcher PSLV-C25 Completed.
  • Heat Shield Closure Activity is completed.